Revealed at last by one of America's top professional dog trainers, a simple training strategy that…

Develops your Dog's "Hidden Intelligence"  
To eliminate bad behavior and Create the obedient, well-behaved pet of your dreams…

Brain Training For Dogs
Brain Training For Dogs

Brain Training For Dogs

Brain Training For Dogs is an innovative and effective approach to training our furry companions. It is a comprehensive program that focuses on stimulating and developing the mental capabilities of dogs, helping them become more obedient, attentive, and well-behaved.

Unlike traditional dog training methods that primarily focus on physical exercises and commands, Brain Training For Dogs recognizes the importance of mental stimulation in shaping a dog's behavior. This program utilizes scientifically proven techniques and strategies to engage a dog's cognitive abilities, resulting in improved problem-solving skills, increased focus, and enhanced overall intelligence.

The Brain Training For Dogs program covers a wide range of activities and exercises designed to challenge dogs mentally. From simple tasks like obedience training to more advanced puzzles and games that require critical thinking, this program ensures that dogs are constantly engaged and mentally stimulated.

By participating in Brain Training For Dogs, not only will your furry friend become better behaved but also happier and more fulfilled. This program strengthens the bond between you and your dog as you work together towards achieving common goals.

Whether you have a young puppy or an older dog, Brain Training For Dogs can benefit all breeds and ages. It is a gentle yet effective approach to training that promotes positive reinforcement techniques without relying on harsh punishments or force.

If you're looking for an innovative way to train your beloved canine companion while simultaneously enhancing their mental abilities, then Brain Training For Dogs is the perfect solution. Prepare to unlock your dog's true potential through this revolutionary training program.

Brain Training For Dogs Reviews

Brain Training for Dogs customer 3

Brain Training for Dogs rating

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“Since using Brain Training for Dogs my dogs are more excited to learn. They actively want to take part and figure out what they need to do! It's not about ‘commanding’ that they perform a behavior,
it's about getting them thinking. I really love this approach to dog training and my dogs do too!”

 Brain Training For Dogs-review 1

Brain Training for Dogs 5 star rating

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“Update on Ace - I have gotten him involved in playing some of the games and I can see a difference in his confidence already! My other dog played along and he became intrigued - now its a daily part of our routine - about 3 times a day

we do the shell game and the muffin tin game. I am so grateful for coming upon your training techniques!”

review 2  Brain Training For Dogs

Brain Training for Dogs 5 rating

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“After going through this program I feel 100 times more confident and far better about training. I have a far better understanding of behaviors and my puppy definitely seems to pick up on that confidence.

This system is the best confidence booster and the best way to teach your dog.”

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How Does Brain Training For Dogs Works?

Brain Training For Dogs is a highly effective program designed to improve the cognitive abilities and behavior of our furry friends. This innovative training method utilizes scientifically proven techniques to stimulate and challenge dogs mentally, resulting in a happier, more obedient pet.

The program works by focusing on mental stimulation exercises that engage various areas of a dog's brain. These exercises are carefully designed to encourage problem-solving skills, enhance memory retention, and promote overall mental sharpness. By incorporating fun and interactive activities into the training routine, Brain Training For Dogs keeps dogs engaged and motivated throughout the learning process.

One of the key principles behind this program is the concept of positive reinforcement. Instead of relying on punishment or harsh training methods, Brain Training For Dogs emphasizes rewarding desired behaviors with treats, praise, or playtime. This approach not only strengthens the bond between dog and owner but also encourages dogs to actively participate in their own training.

Another important aspect of Brain Training For Dogs is its adaptability. The program can be tailored to suit dogs of all ages, breeds, and skill levels. Whether you have a young puppy eager to learn or an older dog in need of mental stimulation, Brain Training For Dogs offers a variety of exercises and techniques that can be customized to meet your pet's specific needs.

By consistently practicing these brain-training exercises with your dog, you can expect to see improvements in various areas such as obedience, problem-solving abilities, focus, impulse control, and overall behavior. Additionally, these mental challenges provide an excellent outlet for excess energy and help prevent behavioral issues that may arise from boredom or lack of stimulation.

In conclusion, Brain Training For Dogs is a comprehensive program that taps into the cognitive potential of our canine companions. By incorporating stimulating activities into their daily routines and using positive reinforcement techniques, this program offers an effective way to enhance your dog's mental capabilities while strengthening your bond with them.


Who is Adrienne Farricelli ?

Adrienne Farricelli has impressive qualifications, she studied dog training in Italy and is a CPDT-KA trainer in the USA. The letters stand for Certified Pet Dog Trainer- Knowledge Assessed and are an earned credential given by the independent Council for Certified Dog Trainers.

To obtain the credencial, a trainer must meet strict requirements including: minimum number of hours training dogs (with proof), a rigorous multi-hour national exam, provide a reference from a veterinarian.

After a trainer has become a CPDT-KA he or she must participate in Continuing Education in order to retain the credential and to keep up on the latest developments in dog training.

Adrienne has written articles for many well known publications, including USA Today. 

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What is inside this Training Course?

The great thing about this program is that they don’t assume that your dog already has the basic training, they start from zero. But yeah you don’t have to follow the levels in order if you don’t want to or your dog already has the basic training (which wasn’t the case with us so we followed the levels in order).
In the first level, your dog will learn the most basic things and the lessons in other modules keep getting harder as you level up. So let’s see what we found in each level in brief.

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Module -1 Preschool

Module -1 Preschool

This module will help you learn how to get your dog to focus on you regardless of what’s going on in the surrounding. You’ll be able to keep your dog’s attention by the end of this module, you can also be able to make them shift their focus on something else by using targeting.

Fun activities like “target train”, “magic little way”, and “airplane game” made our dog look in our eyes and pay attention to us. 

Module -2 Elementary School

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Module -2 Elementary School
Module -3 High School

Module -3 High School

After elementary comes to high school, this module is quite neat as your dog will learn how to calm down and learn self-control. It teaches the basics of scent work too, which is fun.

This level includes activities like “bobbing for treats”, “jazz up and settle down” which will teach your dog how to settle down right after being hyped, and “the bottle game” which will provide mental stimulation with a little bit of exercise. 

Module -4 College

From here things start getting interesting, we started noticing a lot of changes in our dog by now and she seems to be a lot happier than she used to be. Once in a while, we redo the activities from the previous module.

This module was about teaching your dog how to concentrate on your command, plus, it was also about patience and calmness. The games included in this level are “The magic carpet game”, “the shell game”, and “the open sesame game”. 

Module -4 College
Module -5 University

Module -5 University

This module introduced more advanced concepts, we loved the hide and seek game as it was so surprising how my dog used her intelligence during this game and helped us create a stronger bond with her.

Other than hiding and seek, there were “look at that game” which can help with barking, and “hot and cold game” which builds confidence in your dog. 

Module -6 Graduation

The progress that our doggo made was very much visible by now and seeing how she was using her intelligence was impressive. By this stage we kinda started showing off how awesome and intelligent our dog was, plus, neighbors who were complaining before were now shocked.

It started to feel like she is understanding what we try to tell her. This module had activities that made her stick by our side and you won’t believe that she was actually picking toys by their name. 

Module -6 Graduation
Module -7 Einstein

Module -7 Einstein

This was the final level and we were actually feeling like proud parents. As our doggo was at a genius level now. She was able to tidy her toys once she finished playing.

The activities in this module were super fun, none of my friends believed that she was actually playing piano until they saw it themselves. You must be thinking that it’s unbelievable too but this play the piano game was all about it. This module did take some time, as it was super advanced and you can skip this module.

Other than this course, there is still much more included. 

  • 7 trick training videos: It will teach your dog how to take a bow, cover his/her eyes, play dead, dance, shake hands, howl, and rollover.
  • Polishing up your training: This one as the name suggests helps you polish up the training and help you learn how to maintain your dog’s attention with or without food rewards.
  • Obedience 101 training: It taught us to use food rewards in a positive way. Plus, there were key strategies for basic obedience commands. We recommend you to start with this and then with the main course.
  • A private forum: You can connect with other members here and ask questions if you are having any difficulty while training your dog.

As part of a limited time offer, you will also receive this amazing bonus for FREE!


FREE BONUS - Behavior Training for Dogs ($47.00 Value)

This bonus content specifically covers the most common, frustrating behavior problems that many pet dogs are likely to encounter.

Adrienne also discusses how it occurs and what you should do to get rid of them.
Here’s what you can expect from this bonus:

  • The most common reasons why a dog whines and how to stop it.
  • Secrets to stop your dog from digging.
  • Simple training tips to stop your barking dog completely.
  • What you can do to stop your dog from chewing and jumping.
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Brain Training for Dogs Training Program Benefits

Unlock the full potential of your furry friend with the revolutionary Brain Training for Dogs program. Designed to enhance your dog's cognitive abilities and strengthen their bond with you, this training program offers a multitude of benefits that will leave both you and your four-legged companion amazed.

The Brain Training for Dogs program is specifically tailored to tap into your dog's intelligence and stimulate their mental capabilities. By engaging in various brain exercises and puzzles, your dog will not only become smarter but also more attentive, focused, and responsive to commands.

One of the key advantages of this training program is its ability to address behavioral issues. Whether it's excessive barking, chewing on furniture, or pulling on the leash during walks, Brain Training for Dogs provides effective solutions by targeting the root cause - a lack of mental stimulation. By challenging your dog's mind through interactive games and activities, you can help eliminate these unwanted behaviors and create a harmonious living environment.


Furthermore, this program promotes a stronger bond between you and your furry companion. As you work together through the training exercises, trust is built while communication channels are strengthened. This leads to improved obedience and cooperation from your dog as they learn to rely on you as their leader.

Unlike traditional obedience training methods that rely heavily on punishment or forceful techniques, Brain Training for Dogs focuses on positive reinforcement. This means that every achievement is rewarded with praise or treats, creating a positive learning environment that motivates dogs to actively participate in their own development.

Whether you have a young puppy eager to learn or an older dog seeking mental stimulation, Brain Training for Dogs offers a comprehensive approach suitable for all breeds and ages. With step-by-step instructions provided by professional trainer Adrienne Farricelli, you can easily navigate through each lesson at your own pace.

Investing in the Brain Training for Dogs program not only enhances your dog's cognitive abilities but also enriches their overall well-being. So why wait? Unlock your dog's full potential today and embark on a journey of mental growth and mutual understanding.

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Is Brain Training For Dogs Safe?


Brain training 4 dogs is 100% safe.

This training philosophy of this program is science-based and force-free; this means you’ll not be forcing or punishing your dog to obey your commands.

Force-free, also known as positive reinforcement training, is a process of teaching a positive behavior with a reward or praise.

Adrienne will teach you how to use this technique perfectly.

According to many professional dog trainers, reward-based training is the best way for dogs to learn.
This is excellent news; training a dog with a reward has some benefits too:

It helps create a strong bond between you and your dog.

Helps build confidence and will allow dogs to think for themselves.

Positive reinforcement also means that this training course will be eligible for dogs of any age, no matter whether it is a puppy, an adult, or a senior dog.

From what I found, brain training 4 dogs is one of the few dog training methods that use gentle no-force techniques, so you don’t need to be worried about any future dog problems after using this program.

How Much Does Brain Training For Dogs Cost?

If you hired a trainer to train your dog in person you could expect to pay up to $350 per hour. To spend a full day's consulting would set you back a cool $3,300 (which clients Happily pay for).

So how much would you expect to pay for a formula that will eliminate any bad behavior you are dealing with and create a loving, obedient, well-behaved intelligent happy Dog?

Well, it's less than you think.

It's not $400. It's not $200. In fact, it's not even $100.

As a special launch price you can get my entire dog training system and the bonuses for $127 only $67!
What a bargain! Access to all the material, all the videos, and my many years of training expertise for just $67.

Think about what that means. Within minutes of accessing the member's area…

You will be able to turn any bad behavior around, and start to bring out your dog's natural intelligence to stop and prevent any other bad behaviors.

This is profound knowledge that's got to be worth a Small fortune to you.
And to think all I'm asking is $67. 

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Brain Training For Dogs FAQ

You can buy Brain training for dogs on various platforms, but for instant access, added bonus content and direct support from the author, we would recommend buying it from the official website.

Once you complete the payment here, an email will be sent providing details on how you can access your account to enter the Members Zone.

A self-training program needs to be easy to follow with clear directions that make sense. Since there isn’t a trainer there to answer questions, clarity is key. Just like people, not all dogs will learn in the same way and a good, experienced trainer presents information in bite sized pieces that progress in difficulty.

Let’s face it, most of us don’t have all day to spend on dog training and reinforcing training. We have jobs, families, chores, and hobbies. An effective training program breaks lessons down into 10-15 minute sessions so they can be easily added to a busy life.

This is a big factor when I review any dog training program, so Brain Training For Dogs, is not different!

As a teacher of many, many group classes, I always stress the importance of being comfortable with the methods being used.

The reality is, some people are uncomfortable with certain methods so it’s vital your ethics align with the trainer you choose. If you disagree with a trainers philosophy, you’re likely to quit training.

Adrienne’s methods are science based and positive. She does not use any harsh training techniques and always keeps the focus on what will help the dog to learn.

She also has a great deal of experience that she has backed up with certification. With that in mind, I give this an experienced trainer grade of A.

Every dog- and every dog person- learns in their own way. Therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach to dog training rarely works. Unless, of course, it’s a conditioning approach, such as Brain Training for Dogs, and patience is used!

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